With Summer coming into full swing and the kids being home from school, its time to get creative with our breakfasts. This month, we wanted to turn up the heat and add a little spice to breakfast with these 6 Mexican Inspired Eggs! The best part is, most of these recipes are easy to make for a crowd or larger group so if you have several mouths to feed, we’ve got you covered. There are also a few which are great for on-the-go options whether you’re running the kids to sport practices, day camps or play dates, you can still send them off with a nutritious and delicious breakfast on the go!
Author: Khalee Krieder
Easy Eggs 9-Ways
May is National Egg Month and there’s no better way to start your day than with eggs! That’s why we’ve compiled these Easy Eggs 9-Ways as your go-to guide for cooking the classics along with a few new and innovative recipes that think outside the box and keep your breakfast fun!
Top 15 Egg Myths, Cracked
While eggs are known as being an incredibly nutritional and beneficial part of any diet, there still seem to be quite a few questions and myths surrounding the incredible edible egg. Now, more than ever, with all kinds of varieties of eggs available in the market, the confusion to consumers is growing. Which kind of eggs are the best? How long do eggs really stay good for? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Thanks to MSN, we’ve found these answers and more in the Top 15 Egg Myths, Busted for you below!
Easter Recipes
Whether you’re spending this Easter with friends and family, or keeping it more low-key, it’s fun to get in the spirit of things with some egg decorating and egg-inspired dishes. We’ve pulled a few of our favorite Easter Recipes from American Egg Board’s Easter Brunch collection below (plus one extra, our personal favorite) for you to get inspired but check out all their website for even more ideas!
Being American Humane Certified
Noah’s Pride eggs not only pay homage to the Kreider Family heritage, but our Cage Free and Organic Eggs are also American Humane Certified™ through their Farm Program, meaning that you can enjoy our eggs with peace of mind.
Robotics in the Workplace

At Kreider Farms and Noah’s Pride, we like to think of ourselves are leaders and innovators in the egg industry. In the mid-200’s, we were one of the first farms to fully convert to new, state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line aviaries to replace our traditional barns and today also lead when it comes to animal welfare with our American Humane™ Certification.
But at Noah’s Pride, we also thrive to innovate in the technology sector when it comes to adapting and integrating our practices to stay at the top of our industries. While you might think technology and food don’t quite go hand in hand, robotics actually plays a huge part of the innovation in today’s food production.
Christmas Day Egg Recipes
There’s nothing quite like waking up on Christmas morning with presents under the tree and a day filled with family, friends and loved ones ahead. While the day is almost always filled with one, two or even three evening meals for us to look forward to throughout the day, it’s important not to hold off on breakfast in fears of ending up “hangry” until the meals commence. One of our Kreider family traditions is to start the long day off with a proper breakfast complete with Noah’s Pride eggs to help us get our jump start. Below, we’ve compiled some of our favorite ways to whip up some protein packed egg dishes that will make your Christmas morning special and delicious!
Committed to Quality
When it comes to quality, our customer is our biggest concern. That’s why at Noah’s Pride, we have an entire Quality Assurance team that’s dedicated to ensuring that all of our Noah’s Pride products are produced safely and meet the high expectations that we know you, our consumers, expect from us.
Egg Carton Crafts
Take a little brain break from schooling at home and put your little one’s creative mind to use using something everyone has [or should have] in their refrigerator: egg cartons! Instead of recycling your cartons this week, lets upcycle them together!
Five Make Ahead Breakfast for Back to School
Breakfast on the weekdays doesn’t have to mean a boring bowl of cereal or worse, no breakfast at all. Instead, opt for one of these five easy and nutritious make ahead breakfast recipes made with Noah’s Pride farm fresh eggs! The power packed protein of eggs is sure to jump start your day keeping your brain and body sharp for the classroom (or the boardroom) and keep you feeling full